Upcoming Events
Affiliations and Links
Mission Giving
Community Involvement
History of FBC
Driving Directions


     There are many opportunities to serve God at Fremont Baptist Church. 
     We appreciate the help. Some suggestions to use the gifts that God has
     blessed you with:

     Calling to remind people of the dates or duties they agreed to

     Checking the possibility of landmark/historical designation for the church

     Clean out closets, cupboards and rooms     

     Communication flyers

     Emptying garbage or recycle on your way out

     Gardening and weeding

     Graffiti Clean / Spray paint

     Greeting guests and give them a bulletin

     Hosting coffee hour, or just setting it up, or cleaning up after someone


    Newsletter assembly-once a month  

     Offering a ride, if you have a car

     Picking up litter

     Pray with those in need    

     Prayer tree calling    

     Setup and clean up communion  

     Sitting with guests so they feel welcome


     Visit, call or send cards to those that are home bound or in the hospital

     Wiping up spills as they happen

     Working on the history of the church

     Working the Fremont Fair and parking lot in June

     Worship Leader

    There are many more opportunities for you to give back to God. 

    Please consider helping out in some way.  Thank you.